Dear Parents / Guardians,                                                                                             September 2, 2022

If your child will be taking medication while at school this year, or if medication will be kept at school for an as needed basis, it is necessary for the Health Office to have the following information within the first week of school:

□ Medication in the original, pharmacy-labeled container and parent-signed yearly forms.

□ Medication Order—A new medication order, from your child’s prescribing health care provider, for the   2022-23 school year.  Please be sure to include: 

✓ For an inhaler: A new, updated Asthma Action Plan for the 2022-23 school year; this       can be obtained from your child’s primary care provider. If your child is followed by     an allergist, the inhaler order can be obtained from that office. ✓ For an Epi Pen: A new, updated Allergy Emergency Action Plan for the 2022-23 school     year; this can be obtained from your child’s allergist. *

✓ For medication (other than an inhaler/EpiPen): A new medication order and     permission form for the 2022-23 school year.

✓ Parent signature: Please sign and date the order form (this gives permission for your       child to take the prescribed medication at school).

          *If your child is not followed by an allergist, please have your child’s primary health care provider fill-out the attached School Medication Order and Permission Form (or you can obtain a similar form from your provider).  Please use one form for each medication brought to school.  An adult is required to bring all medication to the school building.  Please call for the nurse or bring to the student drop off and flag down the nurse.  

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s medications or health needs, please do not hesitate to contact me at 372-6921 Ext 2016 Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon!

GISU District Nurse

Kristie Barber, BSN, RN  

Cody Fiala, Folsom Health Assistant